Dana 08.03.2012 smo po drugi put u našem novom molitvenom domu imali Evangelizaciju. Evangelizacija je vreme kada u našu zajednicu dolaze gosti sa raznih strana, kako bi sa nama, ali i našim gostima-sugrađanima, podelili Reč Božju - Jevanđelje. Ove godine je tema za sve četiri večeri Kuda putuješ? i u toku ove četiri večeri će više puta biti postavljeno upravo ovo pitanje. Svako od nas treba sam da odgovori na ovo pitanje. Odgovor koji bismo mi želeli da svako da jeste da putujemo sa Gospodom do slavnog cilja koje je u nebu! Večeras smo se mogli zamisliti na podtemu "Dolazak na svet: Odakle dolaziš?" koju nam je približio brat Janko Bako iz Stare Pazove. Zaista smo imali blagoslovljeno vreme zajedno u izlaganju Reči Božje kao i pesmama koje su bile otpevane! Ovo je dakle samo prvo veče i pred nama su još tri večeri. Pošto je danas osmi mart, želeli smo i svim prisutnim ženama da poklonimo jedan cvet. Ali taj cvet je malo drugačiji nego što biste očekivali. To je cvet na kome je ispisan stih iz Psalma 34:8: "Ispitajte i vidite kako je dobar Gospod". To je naša želja i molitva i za Tebe koji čitaš ove reči! Niže u ovom članku se nalazi zapis propovedi i tri pesme koje su bile otpevane u toku bogosluženja (napomena: propoved i pesme su na slovačkom!)
On March 8th 2012, for the second time we had revival meetings in our new church. Revival meetings are a time when guests from different sides come to visit our church and to share with us and our fellow neighbors the Word of God - the Gospel. This year the common theme for all of the four nights is Where are you going? and during these four nights this question will be asked several times. Everyone of us should answer this question for themselves. The answer that we wish everyone would give is the we are going with the Lord toward the glorious finish, which is heaven! Tonight we could think about the sub-topic Coming to the World: Where do you come from? which Rev. Janko Bako from Stara Pazova UMC brought closer to us. We truly had a blessed time through the exposition of the Scriputre and through the songs that were sung! This is only the first evening together - three more are to come. Since it's March 8th (International day of women), we wanted to give everyone present a small flower. But this flower is a bit different than you might think or expect. It is a flower that has the Psalm 34:8 written on it. It says "Taste and see that the Lord is good". This is our desire and our prayer for you who are reading these words! Below you will find the audio recording of the sermon and the three songs. (note that the sermon and the songs are in Slovak language!)
kázeň: Janko Bako
pieseň: Či chceš väzby hriechu
pieseň: Ó, Bohu buď česť
pieseň: Prišiel na zem konať dielo spásy
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